I'm a 30-something year old Canuk, currently living in Cascais with my eloquent heart-snatcher of a husband, Thomas.

We have three cuddly little house cats. The first being Avery, a stray who we'd like to think we saved from a pretty harsh street life back in Toronto.
Being honest, he likely would have been fine looking out for himself, but we were too smitten not to take him in. Brought Avery with us when we moved to Bournemouth, UK in May 2016, then again in September 2018 when we moved to Cascias, Portugal - so he's a pretty well-travelled cat!
Our second furry, Bjorn, is yet another stray or feral cat who found us, this time while we were living in Cascais. It took us ages to realize Bjorn was homeless, but once we did, we didn't hesitate to take him in as well.

The third furry in our home, Athos, we believe is probably Bjorn's father. He was part of a trio we called "The Three Musketeer" cats, and named after the three Musketeers. Sadly, one died (he was unfortunately run over by a car).
Aramis has been re-homed with my brother along with the kitten she had in our yard who we cared for until she was around two years old.
Athos was the last of the bunch, and since we were taking all the others in, we absolutely could not leave him outside, especially since he desperately needed a shave (his fur was matted to the point where it looked like armor!). So we gave him a home and he's settled in with the other boys perfectly.

If you found your way here, odds are high it's because you've looked me up after having visited one of my blogs. You probably came from my cat blog, KittyClysm, the survival & gear blog I share with Thomas, More Than Just Surviving, or Thomas & my personal blog: Elise & Thomas.
As you can already tell no matter where you first learned about me, I'm one of those folks who's into lots of things, and I typically work on a bunch of different online projects all at once, some by myself, others with Thomas.
Browse around the projects section of this site if you're interested in learning a bit more about the blogs & brands I have a hand in.
Being a compulsive starter, I'm sure I'm not done with new projects yet. Check back every once in a while if you're interested in seeing what new projects I've got in the kiln.